" James sent out a questionnaire in Jan 2021 with only one question: What are sounds you miss hearing? The responses all derive from the effects of the COVID-19 lockdown; all ordinary sounds that we take for granted every day. These responses were compiled into a script, and read by James' godfather, Damian Gaskin. " - LCB Depot
" This documentary film has been made as a part of the REAL Initiative documentary film festival. Nightclub Narratives is a short documentary about the story of one of the strippers working in a Leicestershire nightclub. "
A jingle project commisioned to me and Phoebe Scoútari , to capture the essense of keeping clean and embed it into an educational theme. Lyrics and production by me, sung by Phoebe Scoútari and Cam Pike .
" An exploration of the anxieties of urban living shown through industrial city imagery, accompanied by an original score by James West. Music and production by James West, photography used by Alice Diamond. "
" This work is presented from the eye of one who perceives the landscape and environment to be far above the pursuit of destruction in the name of capital. This is an exploration of the aesthetic and ecological effects of capitalism as human activity. "